I've finished my hand embroidered days of the week tea towels.
The patterns were designed by Jenny of Elfantz. You will find her at http://www.elefantz.com. She has a link to her "Pattern Shop" and you will find her design entitled "Days of the Week", from the May 2016 Stitchery Club.
They turned out beautifully! Have a look.
I purchased 2 meters of cotton tea towel fabric from Fabricland then hemmed the edges. I printed Jenny's patterns then traced them with my Sharpie Pen onto the tea towel fabric with my Light Box.
I chose different embroidery threads from those listed in Jenny's pattern.
The smaller the stitches, the prettier the embroidery looks.
My stitches are created over 2 threads of fabric, that is Very tiny, so I am only able hand embroider this small when I use the Magnifying Light that my daughter got for me from Lee Valley. It is mounted on the headboard of my bed, and it is a God send. If you don't have one, I highly recommend getting one. I couldn't embroider like this without it.
I just love how the blues/green and pink/burgandy blend together.
The Tea Towels turned out sooooooooo pretty that I don't want to use them.
Remember, creating has many mediums.
This medium is thread and fabric.
Next . . .
I've begun to hand embroider Primative patterns and will be mounting them on vintage piano scrolls.
They will be embellished with lace and fabric as well.
Have fun creating!
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