Sunday, May 22, 2016

Pages 3 & 4 from "An Embroiderers Ledger"

Hi, Everyone,

I have been working on Karen Ruane's 2012 on-line class entitled "An Embroiderers Ledger".

For this class, I chose to work in an inexpensive Sketchbook.  The paper is thin, so I need to be careful not to tear the pages as I sew on them.  The next book I stitch on will have thicker pages so I don't have to be so delicate.

In this book, I am creating pages for inspiration and design to embellish and enhance my Journals and Ledgers.

Below are pages 3 & 4 of my Embroiderers Ledger.

The starting point for me was an old embroidery pattern.  Karen teaches you how to use a starting point from which to jump off of to create flowing unified work.

I never seem to know when to stop. I just keep going, creating more samples than I need.
Of course I'm not going to set them aside, so in the Ledger they go.

There are 4 insert pages each secured with patterned paper and washi tape (I always put glue under my washi tape because I want it to actually stick). 

The insert pages are a combination of waxed paper, tissue paper, Golden Fluid Matte Medium, Golden Heavy Body White Paint and Golden Paynes Gray Fuid Acrylic Paint.

I've used variegated blue and navy embroidery thread using some of Karen's stitches and some of my own.  Stitching on paper adds such visual interest to your pages.

Yes, you can see the not-so-pretty stitching on the back of the pages, but this is a "working" Ledger.
Then to tie it all together, I bring in the pattern paper and washi tape to create a collage on the last page.

. . . flowing together beautifully.

Karen Ruane has a new on-line class entitled "Stitching a Story" which you can purchase on her blog.  The link to her blog is  I ordered the book "Clara Button and the Magical Hat Day" on-line from Amazon on March 24.  I thought it would arrive in time for the class, but the estimated arrival date is May 26.  Since I want to use the book that Karen is using, I'm just going to have to wait until it arrives by snail mail.  In the meantime, I am continuing to work on An Embroiderers Ledger.

. . . many Journals on the go
. . . many different themes
. . . doing what I love
. . . and making the time to actually do it.

I turned 54 years old today.
We don't know how long we have on this earth, so be nice to those around you, and be thankful.
I am thankful for my husband because we do what we want,
I am thankful for my 3 children and their spouses because they have turned out to be thoughtful successful young adults of whom I am extremely proud,
I am thankful for my grandson and the time I spend with him because he brings me such joy,
and I am thankful that my 2 daughters are expecting and that I have 2 more grandsons on the way.
My goal is to live to be 100 years old.  We will see how far I get.
Be kind to others.

Have fun creating!

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